- Sex: Female
- Age: 10-12 Weeks
- Breed: Lab X Husky
- My Back Story: I was part of a surrendered litter
- About me: I am a shy and quiet girl that takes my time to get to know what is going on around me but once I have it sorted I am off. I thrive having another dog with me to help me with my confidence but with time I would be happy to be on my own. I love snuggles though and belly rubs are my favorite.
- Dogs & Cats : I love playing with other dogs and cats (if the cat is willing).
- Kids: I haven't spent much time around small children yet but I am sure that with time I will get to trust them.
- Livestock/Small animals: I have been around cows, sheep and chickens and I find them pretty boring but as my confidence grows I will need to be supervised around them.
- I'm currently learning: I am crate trained and can also use a cat door to get in and out of the house. I am slowly learning to come to my name, this will only get better as I get more comfortable with my surroundings as at the moment everything seems a bit scary.
- I will need more work on: Building my confidence